The Java Village Food Pantry

Java Village (Blessing Box) Food Pantry
This "Shoppers Choice" Pantry offers a full variety of food including
produce*, meat* & dairy products* We are Foodlink affiliated. *Produce, meat & dairy is based Based on availability
We serve All surrounding communities in the area.
Food can be received once a month per client.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Esta institución es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.
Pantry Hours:
Tuesdays & Wednesdays 9AM-11AM
& Wednesday Evenings 6:00PM-7:30PM.
Accepting with gratitude, food, & hygiene items only. (No clothing or household items)
(Leave non perishables in B.Box or drop off perishable items during Pantry hours or
community hours; T,W,TH. 9-11AM)
Would you like to volunteer? We could always use help. Email us!
Online donations can be made through the paypal link on our homepage or mailed.
(Leave non perishables in B.Box or drop off perishable items during Pantry hours or
community hours; T,W,TH. 9-11AM)
Would you like to volunteer? We could always use help. Email us!
Online donations can be made through the paypal link on our homepage or mailed.